Energy diagnosis

Organizations equipped with environmental management systems will have to make the energy diagnosis as expected by the news of Legislative Decree 73/2020 transposing directive 2018/2002/EU on energy efficiency.

Legislative Decree No. 73 of 14 July 2020 - in force since 29 July 2020 - amends the basic legislation on the subject (Legislative Decree 102/2014) transposing the European innovations of 2018 made to the 2012/27/EU Mother Directive on energy efficiency. Among the new provisions is the one extending the energy diagnosis requirement to large companies with environmental management systems EMAS and ISO 14001 (previously excluded). The elimination of the exemption is the reason for this because such certifications are not relevant for energy purposes. Measures to promote energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises are also planned to promote energy management systems and the execution of energy diagnoses.

Sanctions havebeen introduced in the event of non-compliance with the warning to carry out energy diagnoses and in case of non-implementation of at least one of the efficiency interventions identified by the diagnoses themselves. Finally, the measure extends the specific energy efficiency obligation to the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030 and measures are established for updating the promotion tools aimed at generating savings to achieve this objective, such as white certificates (energy efficiency certificates) and the thermal account (incentives for small energy efficiency interventions).


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